Meghan Seastarion "grateful to be alive" after being shot multiple times.

Meghan Seastarion "grateful to be alive" after being shot multiple times.

This is absolutely terrible Megan Thee Stallion (open in new tab) revealed on Instagram Wednesday that she was shot multiple times early Sunday morning and had surgery to remove the bullets." I suffered gunshot wounds as a result of crimes committed against me, done with the intent to physically harm me," Megan wrote. She added: "I am incredibly grateful to be alive and to be expected to make a full recovery."

Megan said she spoke out to "set the record straight" after the media reported an "inaccurate" story about what happened to her; as the Guardian noted (opens in new tab), "TMZ" initially reported that Tory Lanez had a concealed weapon in her car and reported that she was with Tory Lanez when he was arrested and later taken to the hospital to remove broken glass from his leg. A Los Angeles police spokesman acknowledged to the Guardian that Tory Llanes had been arrested and released on bail, but made no further comment. Representatives for Megan and Llanes did not respond to The Guardian's request for comment.

"It was important to me to clarify the details of this traumatic night," Megan wrote. 'I am now focused on my recovery so that I can get back to my life and back to making music as soon as possible.' We send our love to Megan. We wish her a speedy and complete recovery.

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