Meet the cast of "Ultimatum" Season 3
Netflix's divisive reality show The Ultimatum: Marry or Move On is back for Round Three (spin-off The Ultimatum: Queer Love and The Ultimatum: South Africa). Hosted by Lacheys, The Loving Sisters series puts the couple through a "love experiment" that is blind and more prone to drama than its predecessors. Throughout each season, the show couples parted ways, moved along with another cast member in a "trial marriage", returned to their former partners and each of the seasons of an ultimatum to get engaged or end things permanently raised the bar of ethically questionable decisions on the dating show.
Season 3, the series turned to the influencer capital of the world and found a very attractive cast, Going Coachella, a couple thinking of marriage. The Los Angeles-based cast is full of Instagram models, creatives, Scorpio and even another Nick and Vanessa. Read on to meet the cast of Ultimatum Season 3.
Who gave the ultimatum'Zaina
Content creator Zaina, 32, and personal trainer J.R.The 33, met on a dating app three years ago and finally live together but when it comes to marriage, they have a different mind. J.R.For, the hesitation stems from his relationship history; once married and cheated before, he absolutely wants to make sure before making his next trip down the aisle.
Nick's Instagram: @nicholas.instagram.Com/Nicholas/Nicholas.トラモンチン
Who gave an ultimatum'Nick
Dating two and a half years later, artist Nick, 38, he spent the rest of his life with Coachella but Sandy still does not feel ready to settle down. Instagram: @prfctstorm
Mariah Instagrammed: @remnantsofriah
Caleb instagrammed: @prfctstorm
Who gave the ultimatum"Mariah
Podcast Mariah, 24, may be young but she is already in just 2 years, however, preparing for marriage and instagrammed instagrammed instagrammed instagrammed instagrammed instagrammed instagrammed instagrammed instagrammed instagrammed instagrammed instagrammed instagrammed instagrammed instagrammed instagrammed instagrammed instagrammed instagrammed instagrammed instagrammed instagrammed instagrammed instagrammed instagrammed instagrammed instagrammed instagrammed instagrammed instagrammed instagrammed instagrams Under the belt of dating couples, mortgage broker Caleb, 29, does not want to rush to get down on one knee.However,
Scotty who gave an ultimatum
Los Angeles-based Scotty,30, is engaged and ready to take a three-year long-distance relationship with San Francisco-based Aria,25, to the next level. But the aesthetic nurse is concerned about the professional sacrifices she has to make and the communication issues they still need to work on. Instagram: @theeerealchanel
Instagram: @micahvellii_
Instagram: @micahvellii_
Who gave the ultimatum "Chanel
Micah, 28, and Chanel, 27, have been dating for two and a half years, and Chanel has been dating for two and a half years, and Chanel has been dating for a couple of years. He hopes to make the marriage stronger, but he is not convinced that now is the time for marriage. Instagram: @vanessanhattaway
Instagram of Vanessa: @vanessanhattaway
Instagram of Dave: @halfcubandave
Who gave the ultimatum "Vanessa
Influencer Vanessa, 30, said she and copywriter Dave, 34, should take the next step or change their relationship." Put her feet down that you need to finish. But Dave wants to spend time on his decision-making process, and I don't know how the ultimatum will help them.