Adele Includes Voicemail Left During Anxiety Attack in New Song
Adele may be a low-key celebrity, but when she speaks out (open in new tab) about something, she doesn't go off half-cocked. Appearing on the Australian radio show Carrie & Tommy, she explained that she suffered an anxiety attack during her divorce from Simon Konecki, and said the horrific experience was immortalized for the world to hear in a song on her forthcoming album, 30.
"It's at the end of the song about my son, the outro," she said (via the Daily Mail (opens in new tab)). 'I was really scared. I had an anxiety attack and I called my best friend to calm down, but she was covered in blood and wouldn't answer. It shined some light on ... I'm talking about my son in the rest of the song, and once I get him to bed, I'm going to stop putting on a brave face."
Making "30" helped Adele make sense of everything that was happening, and in the album's official Instagram announcement, she even said, "I've never felt more peaceful (opens in new tab)."
"When I first started almost three years ago, I certainly wasn't anywhere near where I wanted to be," she wrote. 'In fact, quite the opposite. I rely on routine and consistency to feel secure. I always did. And yet, I was knowingly, nay, willingly, throwing myself into a maze of absolute confusion and inner turmoil."
"In the process, I learned many shocking truths about myself. I shed many layers, but at the same time I was enveloped in new ones. I discovered a truly helpful and healthy mentality, and I feel like I'm finally getting my feels back. I can say that I have never felt more at peace in my life."