Kim Kardashian lost 16 pounds to wear Marilyn Monroe dress.

Kim Kardashian lost 16 pounds to wear Marilyn Monroe dress.

TW: Disordered eating, body image. [It has been said before that the Kardashian family does not endorse healthy body standards, and no one needs to be surprised anymore. I mean, we are talking here about waist training, laxative-infused teas, skinny lollipop promotions, and extreme photo-shopping people.

Yet I truly believed that even Kim Kardashian would stop bragging about the crash diet she went on to wear dresses. I mean, she is 2002.

Unfortunately, I guess I was too optimistic: the founder of SKIMS proudly told Vogue how she fit into Marilyn Monroe's iconic dress at the MET Gala.

"I tried it on and it didn't fit, so I looked at the girls and said, 'Give me about three weeks. ' But it was a challenge, it was like a rollercoaster ride. I was determined. I was determined to make it fit."


In an accompanying article in Vogue, the celebrity detailed how she specifically lost weight. 'I put on a sauna suit twice a day, ran on the treadmill, cut out sugar and carbs completely, and ate only vegetables and protein. I didn't starve, but it was very tough."

Through her confession, Kardashian is sending the message that it is OK, or even desirable, to crash diet to fit into clothes. And I want to make it clear that even though many of us have done it, or wanted to do it, it is not OK. The clothes should fit you, not the other way around. If Kardashian wants to wear this particular dress, that is her prerogative, but she should keep that information to herself.

I'm not the only one angry about this: not only are there editorials left and right condemning Kardashian's story, but public figures are clearly disapproving.

"To walk the red carpet and give an interview saying you're starving because you haven't eaten carbs in a month ...... All so you can wear a shitty dress?" Actress Lili Reinhart wrote on her Instagram Stories (via In Touch Weekly).

"So wrong, so wrong on a hundred levels. How dare you openly admit to starving yourself for the Met Gala. You knew very well that millions of young men and women respected you and listened to your every word.

Jameela Jamil also addressed the incident, writing on Instagram Stories, " My point is, celebrities, if you are going to do something unhealthy like intentionally lose 16 pounds in 3 weeks, please don't say it publicly."

I agree.

I asked Isa Robinson, a registered associate nutritionist and nutritional therapist based in the UK, for her thoughts on the matter. Under the guise of discipline, "health," power, and beauty, it is not surprising that the rate of eating disorders has coincidentally doubled between 2008 and 2018 with this kind of gloating about what is frankly disordered eating and starvation," Robinson tells Marie Claire.

"Similarly, surveys show that body image dissatisfaction among adolescents is epidemic, with 50% of adolescent girls reporting body image dissatisfaction and children as young as five going on diets. The promotion of such comments and stories is literally fertilizing the soil that allows eating disorders to develop and grow."

If you want to lose weight, experts recommend that you lose no more than one to two pounds per week for healthy weight loss. Says Penny Weston, fitness, wellness, and nutrition expert and founder of the MADE Wellness Center.

"For healthy weight loss, a safe recommended pace is to lose one to two pounds per week."

This article has been updated.

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