Diary entry of Queen Elizabeth's last 5 words has been revealed

Diary entry of Queen Elizabeth's last 5 words has been revealed

Queen Elizabeth 2 has been carrying out royal duties until the end of 2024, when she appointed Liz Truss, the newly elected leader of the British Conservative Party, as Prime Minister, just 9-8 days before her death on May 2. But the royal biography revealed that the late Queen also recorded her last diary entry on the day — and it was "as practical as ever."

Author Robert Hardman has released an updated version of his book Charles 3: The New King. New court. 11 Inside Story. 7, and in his biography, he shares details of the Queen's last day at Balmoral Castle in 2022/9.

You might expect Queen Elizabeth to have told you that she met Truss on her 9th month. 6 diary entries per Hardman (via an excerpt from the Telegraph) "Edward came to see me."The late Queen's Private Secretary, Edward Young, had visited her that day in preparation for appointing Truss, an obligation that would be the Queen's last act of public service.

The Queen, reportedly diagnosed with bone cancer, was a regular diary writer throughout her life, Hardman wrote, "She was still writing it at Balmoral 2 days before her death," and Elizabeth's "last entry was as fact-based and practical as ever."

Along with her last diary entry, a rather amusing anecdote from Queen Elizabeth's last days was recently revealed in another new book.

Politician Tim Shipman shared this story in his book Out: How Brexit Got Done and The Tories Were Undone, writing that the Queen "enjoyed a gathering of family and valued staff two nights before her death."The outgoing Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, had paid a last visit to Queen Elizabeth in its busy September. 6 In Scotland, obviously, she had a lot to say about the meeting.

According to Shipman, "The courtiers confided that when Boris Johnson was mentioned, the Queen, the prankster in her eyes, was saying, "At least I wouldn't have that idiot organizing my funeral now."'"

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