Princess Anne reassures Queen Elizabeth that she fears death in Scotland.

Princess Anne reassures Queen Elizabeth that she fears death in Scotland.

On September 8, 2022, Queen Elizabeth died. The Queen was 96 years old and breathed her last at her mansion in Balmoral, Scotland. And according to a new podcast, the Queen was afraid to die in Scotland for a very specific reason.

Kate Munsey, assistant editor of The London Times, appeared on the podcast “The Royals with Roya and Kate” to discuss the Queen's death.

“Princess Anne said that she had concerns about the Queen dying in Scotland, that it might cause more trouble for everyone if she died in Scotland,” Manzi revealed (via The Express).

She continued. 'But of course there are plans for Operation Unicorn and Operation Overstudy to bring the body back if the Queen dies in Scotland.'

According to Munsey, Anne reassured her mother about this important decision, “Princess Anne at the time said, ‘Just do what you want to do, it's okay.’”

Royal family expert Robert Hardman describes the moment King Charles learned of the queen's death in his book The Making of a King: The Making of a King: King Charles III and the Modern Monarchy (Charles III and the Modern Monarchy), describes the moment King Charles learned of the Queen's death.

Sir Edward Young, the King's private secretary, was asked to inform King Charles of the Queen's death as soon as possible. The new monarch knew exactly what would happen next,” Hardman explained in an excerpt from his book published in the Daily Mail.

Hardman continued, “He had just turned off the B976 into the drive behind the estate when, at the age of 73, he was called ‘Your Majesty’ for the first time. No further explanation was needed.”

Page Six, on the other hand, claimed that Prince Harry was on a flight at the time of his grandmother's death and learned of her death through news reports. The magazine reported that “Royal sources confirmed that no one from the royal family, or even a courtier, had actually called Harry to tell him of the monarch's death, and that Harry learned of it through the press when he landed late in the afternoon.”

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