Princess Kate admits to herself that she made a "hardened mass" on Pancake Day.
Pancake Day, or Shrove Tuesday, is a big event in England
To celebrate it on February 21, Princess Kate headed to a royal function at Oxford House Nursing Home in Slough. (Incidentally, these British pancakes are more like thick French crepes than American breakfast pancakes, traditionally served with lemon and sugar or Nutella.)
Anyway, this impromptu cooking session did not go as planned, and the Princess of Wales ended up making what she herself calls "congealed lumps," and joked that she was showing everyone how to "not make" pancakes, according to Express.
Royal reporter Rebecca English, who witnessed the scene live and in person, released footage of the poor princess looking increasingly flustered as she ran into one problem after another.
Tweeting about it, English said, "I don't think the pan was hot enough and there was a lot of pressure cooking right in front of all of us!" He stated. Honestly, it looks like Kate was doing the best she could with what she had, and I'm sure I wouldn't have done any better.
In the earlier video, the royal was pouring the batter into a pan on a hot plate and poking it with a spatula.
When the dough refused to rise out of the pan, he said, "See, this is where I made a mistake.
Behind the camera, you can hear the laughter of journalists and perhaps care home staff.
And the princess, trying to ease the awkwardness, utters, "I wish there was music playing."
Then she makes a rather solid point.
"It would be nice to see everyone doing this afterwards. I mean, that's fair.In the second clip, Kate looks increasingly embarrassed as her pancake completely loses its shape and becomes that famous "hardened mass."
"I saw you do it, but I can't," she tells the chef, adding, "Don't tell anyone this is mine."
Kate then bravely decided to try flipping the pancakes. I think it's going to get stuck."
Eventually, she succeeds in flipping the pancake.
"Everything I just made is much prettier than this. I'm sorry . I don't do you justice," Kate tells the chef. 'Would you like me to show you how to do it right?'
I really like this.