John Legend releases the cutest video of Luna and Miles dancing.

John Legend releases the cutest video of Luna and Miles dancing.

Listen up: this morning I woke up to the news that Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson have contracted the coronavirus. But if you're in need of a similarly urgent and strong pick-me-up, we have just the video for you! John Legend posted a video of kids Luna and Miles Stevens dancing while playing their latest single, "Conversations in the Dark." He captioned the video "#ConversationsInTheDark with interpretive dance by Luna & Miles, America's most inexperienced dance troupe." Absorb it, will you?

If you need further proof (inexorably) that John Legend and Chrissy Teigen are the best celebrity parents, check out Teigen's recent Glamour UK cover interview (opens in new tab) in which she talks about raising Luna and Miles See. Speaking about her body, Teigen says, "We're going to talk to [Luna] the same way we wanted to talk to ourselves. We don't censor what we say about our bodies. We don't have taboos like when we say the words "penis" or "vagina."

Meanwhile, on raising feminist children, Teigen said, "You make sure your boy is the ultimate feminist, that he loves and respects women. You raise him to be a feminist. That's our future." Two adorable, physically confident, feminist children are about to perform their interpretive choreography. What could be cuter?

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