Why Kate Middleton and Prince William are not showing up in the royal family right now.
Kate Middleton and Prince William are among the few royals who have continued their royal visits during the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis; on March 20, they secretly visited the London Emergency Center (opens in new tab) (Kate in a nice rose-colored suit) and spoke with staff who are providing care and advice while the entire UK is on lockdown. They spoke to staff who were providing care and advice while the whole of the UK was under lockdown. But according to the Express (opens in new tab), this will probably be the last time we see them for a long time: they are homeschooling George and Charlotte.
Like many parents, Kate and William are coping with schools canceling classes in favor of their children self-isolating to stop the spread of the disease. In the case of George and Charlotte (open in new tab), "a very small number of students" at Thomas Battersea School were infected with the virus and awaiting test results. Aside from the news that Prince Charles has tested positive for COVID-19, the infection does not appear to have spread to the Cambridge couple at this time.
The real story: Kate and William are clearly getting help from their children. The royal nanny has been a Thing (open in new tab) for a long, long time. But I'm secretly glad to think that two calm and collected royal parents are basically trying (and failing) to get George to sit still for 0.2 seconds. That boy is active.
In early March, William made the (inappropriate) joke (open in new tab) that he and Kate were spreading the coronavirus (he apologized shortly thereafter). Only a few weeks later, William said (opens in new tab), "I said at the launch of the (National Emergency Trust) last year that I feared the day would come when it would be needed: ...... Sadly, with the outbreak of COVID-19, that day came sooner than any of us wanted it to. But now, more than ever, I am grateful for [COVID-19's] existence"
And just yesterday, we got a little glimpse of the three children (Louis is getting so big) applauding the National Health Service workers who are now doing life-saving work to treat COVID-19:
and on Mother's Day in the UK, I took a picture of the whole family (except Louis):
I'm glad to see that the whole family is doing well.
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