Kim Kardashian speaks out on Instagram about rumors that she has six toes.

Kim Kardashian speaks out on Instagram about rumors that she has six toes.

There have already been many things about the Kardashian-Jenner couple's existence that I don't share (most of which, of course, have to do with their vast wealth), but today I discovered something entirely new! Can you imagine being so famous that a bunch of total strangers not only care about how many toes you have, but also have conspiracy theories about those toes and have to confirm or deny on Instagram whether or not you have extra toes?

Well, this is Kim Kardashian's reality, and as E! reported (opens in new tab), she posted a series of videos to her Instagram Story on Wednesday to address rumors that she has a sixth toe on her left foot, confirming that she does in fact have an extra toe I did." Everyone thinks I have six toes. But it's this part of my foot, and when I wear my shoes like this, it squishes here."

"I have a lot of toes," she said, "but I don't have any extra toes.

"And in the picture, I don't know why, but it looks like a sixth toe," Kardashian continued. 'I hope that answers your question about the sixth toe. Because I only have five toes on both feet." Thanks for clearing that up for us, Kimberly


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