Chrissy Teigen undergoes two blood transfusions at the hospital due to pregnancy complications.

Chrissy Teigen undergoes two blood transfusions at the hospital due to pregnancy complications.

Chrissy Teigen revealed on Instagram Monday that she suffered severe bleeding during her third pregnancy and underwent two blood transfusions. Teigen was hospitalized on Sunday (open in new tab)." It was kind of like if you turned the faucet on weak and left it there," she explained in her Instagram story.

Posting a photo from New Year's Eve (she clearly looks unimpressed), Teigen wrote, "Hello from the hospital. It's an IV, but instead of a transfusion, I'm transfusing blood from a kind person there."

"The baby and I are perfectly fine and just miss the little things like walking, cooking and playing with other butts," she continued." I came across this little gem from the ring in 2020. It all makes sense now!"

On Sunday, Teigen told followers that the baby is healthy, but that the placenta is struggling to support him. He said, "In the simplest of terms, my placenta is really, really weak. The baby is very healthy and growing stronger than Luna and Miles. My baby is very healthy and growing stronger than Luna and Miles. Basically, he's the strongest, coolest guy in the worst house. So his house is a wreck. The foundation wasn't solid."

"What we're doing now is making sure there's a lot of fluid around him and I'm obviously resting as much as possible," she continued, explaining that further medical intervention is too risky at this stage of pregnancy. She continued, "Basically, if I can get through the next few weeks, if the little guy can get through the next few weeks, then we can get out of the danger zone from there."

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