What happened to Chloe and Mitchell after "The Circle"?

What happened to Chloe and Mitchell after "The Circle"?

Season 2 of Netflix's reality show "The Circle" has become a great television show. The show depicts a competition to become the most popular member of the social media platform The Circle, in which contestants play as themselves or as catfish. All the drama of this season (Savannah vs. Terri Risha! The Joker!) ), along with fan favorite Chloe Veitch (opens in new tab), was seen flirting throughout the game with Deressa St. Agathe, aka Trevor the Catfish (opens in new tab), and a shirtless Mitchell Eason. Chloe ended up as the runner-up, with Delessa taking home $100,000 in prize money, but she did not go home empty-handed!

During the game, Chloe left Mitchell in the friend zone after the circle was over and set her sights on her relationship with Trevor. When it became clear that Trevor was a catfish, she immediately set her sights on Mitchell, and he was on board! After the shoot, Chloe and Mitchell have been sending FaceTime regularly since the finale. Here's what we know about this couple from The Circle.

They first saw each other in person for the first time at the face-to-face finale, where Chloe was a finalist and Mitchell was a returning blocked player. When Chloe emerged from the circle hallway, she went straight to give Mitchell a hug and he greeted her in British slang, calling her "my babes" and "well fit." The host, Michel Buteau, immediately sensed the mood and asked Chloe if she would move Mitchell to the boyfriend zone.

Later, at the end of the finale, Chloe and Mitchell were seen chatting in the back. Apparently, more happened off-camera. Chloe told Refinery29 (open in new tab) that the two kissed after production was over before Mitchell had to return to the US. He was like, 'Chloe, I can't leave England without knowing if I can kiss you. And he asked me if he could kiss me! It was so cute."

Chloe has said in multiple interviews that the two have FaceTimed every few days since filming for The Circle ended and that Mitchell has become a big part of her life. Mitchell lives far away from her in the U.S. and Chloe in the U.K. On Valentine's Day, Chloe posted on Instagram (opens in new tab), "Happy GALantines from me myself and I."

However, in a recent interview, Chloe described their relationship as more than friendship. She told Cosmopolitan (opens in new tab), "I don't label it because of the distance. But we are really, really close and romantic. It's not just a friendship, but we'll see. And she definitely seems excited about him. Chloe told Bustle (opens in new tab) that her favorite thing about Mitchell is how he makes her feel." When we talk he makes me feel better.... He makes me feel so good about myself," she said.

As of the time of the post, Chloe and Mitchell have not met in person since filming of The Circle ended. In an interview after the finale, Chloe told Bustle that she is planning a trip to the United States. 'I'm actually going to go to the States next month to see him,' she said. She also mentioned that they are discussing their future together." He wants me to wait until I get there to start our little trip together. When I see him, I'm sure he'll give me a hug."


When they meet, maybe there will be a formal announcement of the couple. One thing we do know: Mitchell's mother, Season 1 circle player Tammy, is Team Chloe. Chloe said, "His mom told me I had her approval."

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