Taylor Swift Serves as Bridesmaid at Lena Dunham's Gorgeous Wedding

Taylor Swift Serves as Bridesmaid at Lena Dunham's Gorgeous Wedding

Lena Dunham recently married Louis Felber at a gorgeous celebration in London, and while it's no surprise that Lena, creator of Girls (open in new tab), wanted to keep all the girls close on her big day, she really went all out! She gave it her all.

In photo #29, we see Swift positively glowing in a glittering bridesmaid dress. The bridesmaids' dresses, we wore something like the Swinging Sixties, silver pleated and go-go girl energetic, but one of the bridesmaids put it best when she said it looked like 'beautiful cupcake wrappers' and that's what it It was," Dunham explained.

Dunham wore not one but three dresses for the occasion. 'When I go home in a beautiful dress, unfortunately, I usually end up crumpled up in a ball,' she said. Even at my age, my mother always reminds me to take good care of my clothes. But this dress, I laid it down very carefully when I got home!"

Dunham posted a photo from the wedding on Instagram (opens in new tab) with the caption, "9*25*21 - thus she became a nanny... " with the caption.

Dunham and Felber only met in January 2021, and this wedding was put together in just one month. Wishing them a lifetime of happiness!

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