The Queen may have a secret Facebook account.

The Queen may have a secret Facebook account.

Queen Elizabeth has shown time and again that she has a knack for adapting to technology. Especially when one considers that the Queen is 95 years old and has reigned as Queen since before most people had black-and-white televisions in their homes.

Indeed, the Queen has been way ahead of those who consider themselves up-to-date with the latest technology. Recall, for example, her inclusion of podcasting in her 2006 Christmas speech. Or the fact that she has had a presence on almost every major social media site since social media began - Her Majesty even has a Flickr account! And that technical know-how was of great use during the pandemic when the Queen had to organize the Zoom conference.

However, certain rumors about the Queen's love of technology persist: according to royal expert Jonathan Sacerdoti, it is very likely. There are reports that the Queen has a secret Facebook account, although (since she is 95 years old) I don't believe it ...... She seems to be able to pick up on these things perfectly," Sacerdoti told Us Weekly this week. In fact, the Queen's Finster (Finnbook?) rumors have been circulating for years, but they recently came back into the news with reports that the Queen has an MI6-approved, hack-proof cell phone that accepts calls from her daughter and race manager.

"We saw her making zoom calls and video calls during the lockdown. And now she's doing it that way because her health is not as good as it used to be," Sacerdoti continued. 'And now I found her Facebook account. It's extraordinary, considering how easily and readily she has access to such new technology."

And she wouldn't be the first royal to go the secret social media route. It was revealed in Finding Freedom, a book about the Sussex couple, that Prince Harry had a private Instagram with the handle @SpikeyMau5. The name was a nod to his other secret social media account, a private Facebook page named Spike Wells, which was also a shout-out to his favorite DJ Deadmau5. Meghan Markle was actually friends with this secret IG before their relationship was officially announced. (It has since been sadly deleted.)

So what else does Sacerdoti tell us about the queen's Facebook page?" I mean, I don't know the queen's pen name (there) and I don't know how many friends she has," he said, adding, "She hasn't accepted my request yet."

Other questions that remain unanswered are: how long the queen has had Facebook, whether that time period coincides with Facebook's short-lived "poke" feature, whether she has "poked" or been "poked" on Facebook Whether or not she has.

If you have "poked" the Queen on Facebook, feel free to send us an anonymous tip. We will update this page as soon as we receive further information.

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