Pete Davidson and Julia Fox in a photo shoot together in 2019.

Pete Davidson and Julia Fox in a photo shoot together in 2019.

Um... Um. Kim Kardashian's new boyfriend Pete Davidson and Kardashian's ex Kanye "Ye" West's new girlfriend Julia Fox (have you been following along so far?) posed for a photo shoot together in 2019. Yes, I don't know how I missed this one either.

Davidson and Fox co-starred in Paper magazine's "Break the Internet" issue that year, the year after the SNL star single-handedly introduced the term "BDE" to the world (via The Cut writer Allison P. Davis).

In a cheeky nod to the whole concept, the shoot was Barbie and Ken-themed, with Davidson showing off the crotch and legs of a naked Ken doll. Photos.

Seeing a perfect opportunity as West and Fox's relationship became increasingly public, Paper reposted photos from the shoot on Instagram in early January. 'These images tell a story. I am not sure what that story is. Drop your theories below," the magazine captioned the post.

They continued, "Revisit our shoot before Pete Davidson and Julia Fox went their separate ways on #Linkinbio: ...... The following slides," they stated. The following slides in question show the covers of Kardashian's, and West's, respective papers. Genius.

Tommy Dorfman, who photographed for the cover story and interviewed Davidson, commented, "I'm dead."

One fan expressed my thoughts much better than I did: "I can't believe Julia and Pete did a shoot together and Julia is with Kanye and Pete is with Kim. You're absolutely right. What is this? But we are talking about the Kardashians. And Ye...I mean, these two tend not to leave too much to chance, so what are they up to?

Rolling Stone, on the other hand, seems to think it's Davidson and Foxx who are up to something. I'll just shrug my shoulders here and stay in oblivion.

And if one article wasn't suspicious enough, journalist Mihka Barua also pointed out something rather creepy on Twitter. 'Am I the only one who can't stop obsessing over the fact that Julia Fox is 13 years younger than Kanye and Pete Davidson is 13 years younger than Kim? Hmmm.

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