Carole Middleton, Kate Middleton, and their siblings in childhood photos.
Carol Middleton, a well-known Aquarian, was born on January 31. Unfortunately, the person running her party piece Instagram mistakenly posted her birthday message on January 30. HELLO! As reported by
, they quickly realized their mistake, so the photo was deleted and reposted on the correct date. The photo in question is in black and white and shows a smiling (and beautiful) young Carol flanked by four children (presumably, we don't know who they are). The children are wearing party hats and blowing party horns.
"To our special party planner, the best birthday ever! Have the most magical day," the caption reads.
This is not the first time an unpublished photo of the Duchess of Cambridge as a little girl has been released; on Father's Day 2020, the Cambridges released a photo of a much younger child, Catherine, with her father Michael. And in 2018, Prince William sweetly recreated a photo from his wife's childhood in Jordan.
And of course, royal fans these days love to see brand new photos of the Cambridges' three adorable children, Prince George and Prince Louis and Princess Charlotte, who celebrated their sixth birthday, here, and Princess Charlotte holding a butterfly Click here to see a photo of Princess Charlotte with a butterfly. And here is her older brother on his 8th birthday and her younger brother on his 3rd birthday. You're welcome.