Olivia Rodrigo and Billie Eilish overjoyed to see each other win at the Grammy Awards

Olivia Rodrigo and Billie Eilish overjoyed to see each other win at the Grammy Awards

There was a time when Billie Eilish and Olivia Rodrigo, two women of immense talent and accomplishment, were nominees for the same award, but not yet of drinking age, and were constantly at odds. But it is now 2022, and despite the flaws of this era, we love to see these two queens supporting each other.

They may have technically been rivals at the 2022 Grammy Awards, but Eilish and Rodrigo were clearly rooting for each other all night long. Reaction shots showed a near-tearful Rodrigo applauding Eilish's performance of "Happier Than Ever" during the show. And when Rodrigo beat out Eilish for Best Pop Solo Album, Eilish only seemed overjoyed for her fellow artist when Rodrigo took the stage to accept her award.

I know it is common at these award ceremonies to at least appear happy for the person who beat you in your award category, but honestly, you cannot fake support in this way. In fact, we know that Billy Eilish and Olivia Rodrigo are fans of each other. In an Instagram post, Eilish included a fellow young superstar hugging friends with the simple caption, "True love is here." In an interview with Howard Stern, Eilish said she wanted to put Rodrigo in a "glass box" to protect her, and in an interview with Entertainment Tonight, Rodrigo said he thought Eilish was "incredible" and that it was very cool to be able to respect someone like her.

What could be sweeter?

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