With its "Register for More" campaign, Willow® asks, "What do new moms need?

With its "Register for More" campaign, Willow® asks, "What do new moms need?

What Pregnant and New Parents Need" This is a question many people forget to ask. Unintentionally, your support network often focuses on your new baby. And many people, including strangers, have opinions about what you "should" do in the early weeks and months of pregnancy, birth, and parenting.

I have first-hand experience with this. From well-meaning family members to supermarket people, questions and feedback about my choices were frequent and often self-serving. Why did my husband need to take an extended parental leave after our daughter was born (and what was "wrong" with me)? Does hiring a night nurse make me an irresponsible parent? I pumped breast milk for the first few months: why didn't I leave it pumped? What happened to my milk supply? Yet, only a few close friends (usually other mothers) worried about my health during those first months


But instead, the Willow® brand wants to know what you need. For a little background, Willow Innovations was the first brand to challenge convention in the breast pump category and changed the field by developing the first fully bra-attachable pump and the only bra-attachable pump to offer 360° leak-free mobility. Today, there are two models (I used the Willow 3.0 during my pregnancy) that are cordless, small, quiet, and allow for on-the-go milking with aplomb. Not to mention a great way to multitask and feel accomplished at the same time.

Now Willow is trying to disrupt the traditional narrative about motherhood. Their new campaign, "Register for More," is filled with resources for parents and soon-to-be parents, and can be forwarded to family, friends, and anyone who wants to learn about postpartum challenges. Willow launched Register for More to spark a conversation about how society can support mothers (and how they can do a better job). Their pumps are just part of a larger goal of normalizing the unique journey of new parents and what it takes to live a healthy and happy life with a new baby.

Take, for example, the Register for More section on postpartum mental health, written by Jen Schwartz, founder and CEO of Motherhood Understood. The section first calls on the new mom's partner to ask herself about her mental health and find out what she is really like. Are you able to take care of yourself? This section normalizes the state of postpartum mental health, posts facts and FAQs, explains how you can support yourself, and, critically, helps you learn what not to do. Yes, educate yourself and reassure her that you are not going anywhere. No, don't tell her to "snap out of it." [e.g., how to set up a schedule that works, what is normal and what is not normal in nursing a baby, what oddities are completely expected (yes, it is not uncommon to fall asleep while nursing, and yes, it is not uncommon for a baby to fall asleep while nursing), what is normal and what is not normal in nursing a baby, and what is not normal in nursing a baby. There are also resources to help you understand physical recovery, apply for paid leave, and set boundaries as a parent. There is also a toolkit on returning to work and how to transition slowly and effectively to pumping, working, and multitasking as an outside working parent. Basically, if there are questions early on, Willow wants to answer them.

Federal and workplace supports, such as paid leave and dedicated places to pump, are still new. And parents often have to fight to have their views heard. But Willow imagines a better world for mothers. To see these important resources, please head over to "Subscribe for More". You can also enter your own content you would like to register for, such as support at home or breastfeeding tips, or join the conversation on Facebook and Instagram with the hashtag #WithWillow.


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