Meghan Markle Calls Prince Harry a Feminist, Concerns Women's Safety in Roe v. Wade Ruling

Meghan Markle Calls Prince Harry a Feminist, Concerns Women's Safety in Roe v. Wade Ruling

According to journalist Jessica Yellin, Princess Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, and feminist magnate Gloria Steinem have joined forces in recent months to support ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), which would "explicitly extend to women the rights granted to men in the Constitution."

One such right, abruptly stripped by last week's Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision, is the right to bodily autonomy and, more specifically, the right to a safe abortion. This Supreme Court decision shook women and womb-bearers across the country. These women could find themselves in dangerous and potentially deadly situations when seeking an abortion for any reason.

Meghan Markle joined Steinem and Yellin in a conversation about the aftermath of the ruling published in Vogue, expressing her disapproval in no uncertain terms.

"Women are already sharing stories that their physical safety is at risk," the Duchess said. [Resourceful women will travel for abortions, and women without resources may attempt abortions at great risk. Some may have to obtain abortion pills from unregulated pharmacies. In addition, women who are pregnant and in an emergency situation will be at the mercy of their doctors and lawyers to determine whether the procedure is necessary to save their lives.

"What does this tell women? It is telling us that our physical safety is not important, and as a result, we do not matter. But we do matter. Women matter."

Markle spoke not only as a women's rights advocate, but also as a mother. She stated that she understands how important it is to decide whether or not you want to be a parent in that moment and how deeply personal a choice it is.

"I think about how lucky I am to have had two children. [I know what it feels like to have a connection with what is growing in my body. What happens in our bodies is so personal and can lead to silence and stigma, even though many of us are dealing with personal health crises.

"I know what miscarriage feels like. The more we normalize the conversation about how it affects our lives and bodies, the more people will understand how necessary protection is."

The Duchess also spoke about the role men can play in advancing equal access to healthcare and how important it is to Prince Harry.

"Men need to have a voice in this moment and beyond because it is a decision that affects relationships, families, and entire communities. [They may be targeting women, but the consequences affect us all. I've talked a lot about that with my husband over the last couple of days, and he's been very vocal about it. He's a feminist too."

She added, "And his reaction last week was as blunt as mine. I know that there are feelings of hopelessness for many women right now. But again, we have to stick together. We have to work."

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