Apparently Prince William and Kate Middleton don't use helicopters much anymore because the Queen was "uncomfortable" with them.

Apparently Prince William and Kate Middleton don't use helicopters much anymore because the Queen was "uncomfortable" with them.

Apparently Prince William and Kate Middleton have been taking fewer helicopter rides from Kensington Palace to Anmer Hall lately.

According to royal commentator Richard Palmer, there has been a general "unhappiness" in the office about the Cambridges helicoptering back and forth, which was exacerbated by the release of the royal spending report last week.

"I mean, I think they're a little restrained [in helicopter flights]," Palmer told the Express.

"I think the queen felt uncomfortable with the whole family traveling by helicopter.

This is partly because heirs to the throne should not travel together, according to established royal rules, in case of an accident.

Palmer said of this factor, "For whatever reason, the Queen has made it known that she is concerned about the Cambridge family traveling as a family by helicopter because of the possibility of a crash."

This, the expert explained, means that "the third, fourth, and fifth in line to the throne could be wiped out in a crash. Currently, Prince George is third in line, Princess Charlotte is fourth, and Prince Louis is fifth. A little creepy, but oh well.

Elsewhere, Palmer said, "I think there was a little more going on behind the scenes."

"I think there was a little bit of official frustration about the length of time the Cambridges spent traveling by helicopter between Anmer Hall in Norfolk and their London residence, Kensington Palace."

"People in the Cambridges' camp would say that in fact that never happened at all."

"Others seemed to imply that it was happening a little more than the Queen would have liked."


The Queen has a bit of a history of not wanting to see Prince William in a helicopter. The Duke of Cambridge is a trained helicopter pilot and formerly served in the Royal Air Force, and back in 2021, a source told The Sun, "Her Majesty the Queen has told close friends and courtiers that helicopters are not the safest means of transport and she wants William to stop flying them himself, especially in bad weather. The Queen has told her close friends and courtiers that helicopters are not the safest means of transportation. This has kept the Queen up at night and she is understandably very worried."

I think we can all agree that there is no point in worrying the Queen unnecessarily.

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